New Beginnings!

Name Change!

If you’re reading this then you’re probably already aware that Bizarre Apps has become Malachite Studios. (WHAT! WHERE DID THEY GO! I DON’T LIKE CHANGE!) Don’t panic! everyone a part of Bizarre Apps is still here, it was just time for a name change. A lot of time has passed in the last SIX! years, yes Bizarre Apps was conceived nearly six years ago oh how the times have changed.


The question still remains though, why change the name at all? The simple truth is, we are not the company we were back then, we have grown into so much more, we specialize in GAMES! now. Not to say that we no longer create applications, we in fact do it’s just we’re no longer limited to that realm of development, you may see a Malachite Studios titles on other platforms soon, Apple Tv, Android Tv, Pcs & Macs the possibilities are endless!


(I’m TIRED of reading get to the point!) Alright Alright the ending is near we promise you, We just wanted to inform our loyal customers and future costumers of our new direction and our recommitment to making the best games we possibly can so look out for new updates and future titles. One last thing our new website is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION so please bare with us as while we work that out.